재난- 생존방법

생존에 꼭 필요한 10가지 품목

낙동대로263 2020. 10. 31. 19:24



1. 건조쌀밥 (Rice)

Costco allows you to buy up to twenty five-pound bags of rice, and when you stock up on these, you can have enough to last you for months quite easily.

2. 건전지 (Batteries)

AA batteries, AAA batteries, C batteries, Lithium-Ion batteries, you name it. So much of what we rely on need batteries, including electronic devices, flashlights, GPS devices, and so on. Stock up on as many batteries as you can.

3. 고기통조림 (Canned Meat)

Canned meat may not taste as good as an oven-roasted chicken or steaks on the grill, but it will still get you by, and it comes packed with lots of protein.

4. 식용유 (Cooking Oil)

Cooking oil is great for keeping your pans from getting sticky, and is also an essential ingredient for baking, frying, and many other kinds of cooking.

5. 땅콩버터(Peanut Butter)

Peanut butter comes packed with nutrients and protein. And by investing in bread or making your own loaves out of flower, you can instantly make your own nutrient-packed meal in a jiffy.

6. 스프와 칠리(Soup and Chili)

Soup and chili are easy to make (all you need is water and heat) and can feed a lot of people as well.

7. 과일통조림(Canned Fruit)

In addition to canned meat, buy canned fruit as well. With its sweeter taste, fruit can be a major morale booster for when things get tough, not to mention the nutrition it comes with.

8.야채통조림( Canned Vegetables)

It’s a good idea to round out your canned meat and fruits with vegetables as well. Think canned corn or canned beans, for instance.

9. 화장지(Toilet Paper)

The toilet paper shortage is an ongoing event. As a general rule, you should plan to have at least a one year’s supply of toilet paper. Currently, Costco does not allow you to buy all of the toilet papery you want at once, and you are only permitted to get one set of rolls per visit. So make it a habit to buy some every time you go.

10. 구급의료용품(Medications)

This applies to literally any kind of medication and supplement that you can think of. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, bandages, gauze pads, and so on are all fair game.