재난- 생존방법

재난대비 배낭 챙기기 30가지 팁

낙동대로263 2021. 5. 29. 17:25


어떤 프레퍼들이건 재난대비용 생존배낭이 필요하다.


위기와 재앙,재난은 조용히 그리고 갑작스럽게 닥치기 마련이다.

언제 갑자기 전혀 생각지도 않았던 일이 발생할 지 누가 알겠는가 ?


그러데, 대피를 위한 배낭꾸리기에서의 작은 실수가 때로는 치명적일 수도 있고,

목표 대피처까지 도달하는데 큰 어려움을 가져다 줄 수 있다.


대피용 생존배낭을 꾸릴 때 명심해야 할 30 가지를 나열해본다.


1. 계획을 세우고 떠나라

막연하게 집을 나서봐야 당장 갈 곳도 없다

If you head out into the woods without a plan, you’ll likely get lost and never reach your destination. You need to know where you are going, how long it will take you to get there, and how to get there. You probably need a map and a compass, too.

You’ll also need to know what happens when you reach your destination – do you have a bug-out location already set up? Or are you going to find one along your journey?


2. 뒤에 남아있는 사람, 애완동물에 대한 대비책을 세워라

사람이라면 몰라도 애완동물 돌볼 겨를은 없다

If you’re bugging out by yourself, who are you leaving behind? What will they do in your absence? Do they have food, water, shelter? Or will they be leaving as well? If people depend on you for their daily existence, they’ll depend on you in emergencies, too.


3. 뒤에 남겨둔 재산, 자산의 처리방법에 대한 계획을 세워라

다시 돌아 올 수도 있고 못 돌아 올 수도 있다는 것을 명심하라

In a severe bug out situation, you might not ever be able to return to your home. Is there anything you need to do to tie up loose ends before you go? On the other hand, is there anything you should do if you plan to return in a few weeks or months? You may want to shut off water, gas lines, and other utilities to keep the property safe if you do return.


4. 배낭무게를 자기 몸무게의 20% 이하로 줄여라.

이것저것 다 집어넣으면 1 시간도 못 가서 뻗는다.

Hikers on the Appalachian Trail were studied carrying too little, too much, and just the right amount of weight in their packs. Those hikers that carried more than 20% of their body weight were far more likely to sustain injury and not complete their hike. Be smart and pack light.


5.네 배낭이 남들이 보기에 생존배낭처럼 보이지 않도록 해라.

생존배낭 처럼 보이면 도둑놈이나 강도가 따라붙는다. 거지 처럼 보여야 한다

Stealth is important when bugging out. If people think you’ve got bug out supplies, you’re a prime target. Choose a pack that blends into your situation and isn’t too obtrusive.

6. 불요불급한 물건은 빼라.

쓸데없는 인형 또는 소중한 추억 어쩌고 하는 물건은 버려라

Cutesy bug out items might be…well, cute. But are they beneficial? Only pack what is necessary and leave the kitchen sink at home. Remember, the goal is to reach your destination safely, so you’ll have to leave some things behind.

Don’t pack your favorite cast iron skillet, a bulky or heavy sleeping bag, canned foods, or other things that just waste space and weight. Only pack what matters.

7. 배낭을 몸에 맞도록 잘 결속하라.

배낭이 몸에 잘 맞으면 한결 쉽다

Your bag should have a belt strap that focuses the weight onto your hips, not your back. If your bag doesn’t fit right, the wrong muscles will bear the brunt of your pack and wear you out, possibly causing injury.


8. 식량은 충분히 챙겨라.

하루 세번 먹어야 도망도 잘 친다는 것을 명심해라.

모든 것을 식량과 바꾸어야 할 상황이 올 수 있음을 각오하고 떠나라.

You’re going to need to eat on your journey, so make sure you pack enough food. You probably should have 3 to 4 days worth of food in your bag, and you’ll need more calories than you typically do because you’ll be expending additional energy.

9. 배낭에 중요문서를 잘 챙겨라.

전산체계 무너지면 당신 집도 절도 증명할 길이 있겠나 ?

You may not be able to return to your home, so make sure you have your important documents with you such as your license, Conceal Carry Permit if needed, Social Security Number, and birth certificate.


10. 배낭이 찢어지거나 파손됐을 때 수리,수선할 물품도 챙겨라.

배낭 뿐만 아니라 물자가 없다. 모든 것을 수선할 수 있어야 한다

If your bag breaks, you’re going to be in big trouble if you can’t fix it. Pack some items that will work in an emergency – maybe duct tape, sewing kit, or zip ties, for example.


11. 구급, 응급처치 품목을 챙겨넣어라.

손가락 끝 좀 다쳤다고 안심하지 말라. 야외는 더 더럽다. 소독해야 한다.

Injuries happen, and you need to be prepared. You’ll especially want some bandages, blister protection, and help for stomach problems.


12. 마실 물을 빼트리지 마라.

1 시간 걸어보면 목이 얼마나 타는지 알게 될거다

Water is the most important thing you need. Pack some water with you in case you can’t find any, but you’ll also want to bring along a filter or LifeStraw if you do find a water source. You can’t carry four days of water. It’s just too heavy.


13.가져가는 장비,물품을 출발전에 테스트 해보라.

가능한 가벼운 놈을 챙기고 , 고장난 것은 가차없이 버려라

You need to make sure your BOB and all your equipment are in good working order. Make sure to try everything you will carry because a broken lighter probably won’t start a fire when you need it most. Make sure your pack fits and is easy to carry.


14. 여벌의 양말을 꼭 챙겨라.

발 다치면 끝장이다.  생각해 보면 알거다

Keep your feet warm and dry and bring extra socks along.


15. 날씨변화에 대비하라.

비나 눈, 바람을 막아 줄 것이 없으면 빨리 지쳐서 일찍 죽는다

You may need to adjust the clothing you wear when bug out. Weather can be unpredictable, so make sure you are properly prepared for rain or cold to prevent frostbite, hypothermia, or heat stroke.


16. 끝이 예리하거나 흘러내릴 수 있는 물건들을 잘 단도리하라.

하나 뿐인 배낭을 찢거나 당신을 찌를 수도 있다.

A poorly packed knife can ruin your bag or cause you injury. Liquids that spill in your bag can destroy essential medications or other necessities.


17. 사람이 붐비는 큰 도로, 고속도로를 피하라.

이건 상황에 따라 다르다. 잘 판단하라

Stay off the beaten path and stay out of sight, so you aren’t taken advantage of or injured by people looking for supplies.


18. 군용, 위장용 복장을 피하라.

멋져 보이고 싶은 생각은 버려라. 멋질수록 먼저 죽는다.

Wearing tactical clothing, military vests, or camouflage is a dead giveaway that you’re bugging out or you’re not where you are supposed to be. The idea is to blend in, not be camouflaged in.


19.어디로 가는지를 말하지 말라.

당신 정보를 떠들수록 당신에게 불리하다.

If the wrong people know where you are going, they may make a beeline for your bug out location, steal your supplies, or lock you out. Keep quiet about who you are and what your plans are.


20. 남의 사유지를 침범하지 말라.

괜한 싸움난다. 특히 모두가 예민한 때에는.

If you are heading for the hills, avoid private property where people can shoot first and ask questions later.


21. 배낭에서 잡소리 나지 않도록 하라.

엄청 신경 쓰이고 짜증난다. 잡소리 없애야 한다.

Remember, you’re supposed to be in stealth mode. A loud pack will alert people to your presence, so silence any noisy things inside your pack.


22. 배낭이 젖지 않도록 하라.( 방수 )

젖은 배낭 매고 가면 금방 지친다.  더럽게 무겁다. 물건도 다 버린다.

Rain can quickly damage your BOB contents, so make sure your pack is as waterproof as possible. If you can’t make it waterproof, consider carrying a dry bag inside for things you need to stay dry. A wet pack is a heavy pack.


23. 용변 처리방법에 대해 생각해두라.

특히 집단적으로 튈 때..

Make sure your clothing is easy to remove and replace when you need a quick bio break and be sure to have something for hygiene and bury your excrement.


24. 쉘터를 어찌할 지 생각해두라.

텐트로 할른지 타프로 할른지 미리 정해라

A tent may be too heavy in your pack, but you should have some sort of shelter such as a lightweight tarp or bivy bag to protect you at night.


25. 처방약을 꾸려넣어라.( 고혈압,당뇨,....)

처방약 없으면 아주 괴로운 생활이 된다. 죽고싶을 정도로

If you take life-saving medication, be sure to take it with you, or you won’t survive the trip.


26. 애완동물을 데려갈 때, 필요물품을 챙겨라.

애완동물은 잡아먹을 각오가 되면 데리고 가라

If you’re bringing along a pet, they’ll need food, water, and shelter just like you. A dog can be helpful, but it also can be noisy.


27. 배낭안에 어떤 물품들을 챙겨넣었는지 알고있어라.

당신이 가진 모든 것을 알아야 한다. 그래야 한 박자 빠르다.

You’re taking significant risks if you don’t know what is in your BOB and if it still works. Do regular checkups on your equipment.


28. 자녀가 들고 갈 생존배낭을 만들어라.

온 가족의 물건을 당신이 혼자 짊어지면 일찍 뻗는다. 그건 가족에게 나쁘다.

If you’ve got a family, you’ll need to plan for them, too. Kids can carry some items in their packs but be sure not to weigh them down, or you’ll be carrying them and their bag.


29. 신속하게 들고 나갈 수 있는 곳에 배낭을 보관해두라.

장롱 속 깊이 넣지마라. 튀면서 바로 손에 잡을 수 있어야 한다.

If you can’t reach your bug out bag quickly and easily, it won’t be usable when you need it in a hurry. Keep it hidden but handy.


30. 배낭안에 현금을 약간 챙겨두라.

현금은 가장 유용한 재산이다. 누구나 좋아하고.

You might need some cold hard cash along your trip, so make sure you have some in your bag