재난- 생존방법

꼭 있어야 할 재난대비품 80가지

낙동대로263 2018. 6. 10. 16:21

이론이 이러하고 ... 말이 이렇지 ... 

이거 다 준비하면 집안 어디다 둘꼬 ?

  1. 수동 깡통따개 (Manual Can Openers will be in short supply after a SHTF event as many people have adopted the convenience of electric powered can openers. Get several of these, a couple for you and some to barter for something else down the road.
  2. 페트병 생수(Bottled Water) is always on the shopping list for a SHTF event. No matter how much water you may have stored, grabbing extra bottled water is never a bad idea.
  3. 손세정제(Hand Sanitizer) is something you can never have too much of. Water and soap may be in short supply. Using hand sanitizer for washing hands when you can will help conserve soap and water for when you really need it.
  4. 알미늄호일(Aluminum Foil) is great to have on hand for many things but especially for cooking. There are over 40 different things you can cook in aluminum foil.
  5. 인스턴트 커피(Instant Coffee) is great thing to grab extra of on your last trip to the supermarket. Even if you don’t drink coffee, you can use it to barter for something you do need from someone who is a coffee lover.
  6. 물티슈(Baby Wipes) are a wonderful thing to have around when water is scarce or you just need to conserve water. Use them to clean hands and face or to wash
  7. 고글(Goggles) to protect your eyes from flying debris and tear gas are always a good idea.
  8. 육류통조림(Canned Meat) such as tuna fish, sardines, spam, or chicken is a great thing to grab on your last trip to the supermarket. You can never have too much in your stockpile.
  9. 해충퇴치제(Bug Repellent) following any kind of natural disaster or SHTF event will be critical to maintaining your comfort level as well as preventing diseases.
  10. 종이컵,접시,사발(Paper Plates, Cups, Bowls) aren’t a necessity following a SHTF event but will be great to have on hand if you can grab them on your last trip to the supermarket. You can conserve water by not having to wash as many dishes and you can burn them to reduce the amount of trash and prevent attracting rodents.
  11. 은박 접시류(Plastic Silverware) is always a great thing to have on hand if you can get it. Conserve water by using plastic silverware instead of utensils that need to be washed after every meal.
  12. 슬링샷(Slingshots) might not be available at every supermarket but if you see them, definitely grab them up. You can use these to hunt, to defend yourself, or even to barter for something else you need.
  13. 절연테이프Electrical Tape) has many different uses and you can never have too much of this in your stockpile.
  14. 반짓고리(실,바늘)(Sewing Kit) is great to have on hand so that you can repair or patch clothing as well as use for sutures if necessary.
  15. 글로우스틱(Glow Sticks) won’t provide immense light but they will provide enough light for you to see to walk through the woods or around your home in the dark without wasting lamp oil or battery power.
  16. 양념류(Condiments) may not seem like a necessity but they are great to have on hand to help make otherwise bland food taste better.
  17. 지도 (Maps) of the local area as well as the neighboring towns and states. If you need to evacuate or bug out, knowing where you’re going and the best route to get there will be critical.
  18. 로프/파라코드 (Rope/Paracord) will be invaluable following a SHTF event so make sure you pick up any extra that you can find on your last trip to the supermarket.
  19. 운동화끈 Shoelaces have a multitude of different uses and are great to have on hand. Broken shoelaces mean shoes don’t fit snug and this leads to greater risk for blisters and injuries.
  20. 양말 Socks are another thing that are great to have extra of. Socks are more difficult to sew and wearing shoes or boots without them can lead to injuries. It doesn’t hurt to have several extra pair in your BOB or stockpile.
  21. 자동차용 교환소모품 Replacement Auto Supplies are definitely something you want to grab extra of on your last trip to the supermarket. Grab things such as fuses, motor oil, wiper fluid, spark plugs, headlight bulbs, etc. so you can keep your car running yourself.
  22. 차량충전기 Car Chargers will be great to have on hand following a SHTF event that takes out the power grid. Use them to charge your phone so you can access any information you have stored there. Also use the adapter and wiring to DIY a charger for other things too if you have the knowledge.
  23. 콘돔 Condoms are going to come in handy not only to prevent pregnancy during and after a SHTF event but also for carrying water, creating a moisture-proof protection for a wound, etc.
  24. 귀마개 Ear Plugs might come in handy if you need to use your firearm indoors to defend your home and family against intruders. These are also great for children to help block out noises and help them sleep through the night or catch a nap during the daytime.
  25. 책 Books will come in handy during and after a SHTF event to help you to identify edible or medicinal plants, perform first aid treatments, learn additional survival skills, and even just to help pass the time and keep your spirits high.
  26. 장기,바둑,카드류  such as playing cards, dice, chess, or checkers, will come in handy to keep children and others entertained, especially if you’re stuck indoors for a long period of time.
  27. 안경수리킷트 Repair kit for glasses is a must have item, especially if you need your glasses to see!
  28. 비타민 Vitamins can go a long way toward keeping you and your family healthy when your food supply becomes lean. The healthier you stay, the better chance you have of surviving whatever comes next.
  29. 애완동물 사료 Pet Food is something that is important to have on hand, especially if you have a pet who is picky about what they will and won’t eat. Make sure you grab some extra on your last trip to the supermarket.
  30. 베이킹소다 Baking Soda is one of those ingredients that has so many uses that it’s always good to have this on hand.
  31. 향신료 such as Cinnamon, Turmeric, Garlic, and many others are not only great for cooking, but they have medicinal properties as well that can help keep you healthy.
  32. 달력 aren’t exactly a necessity, but they will come in handy for those who want to keep track of time.
  33. 태엽으로 가는 수동시계  will be a must have item to keep track of how many hours you have before dark, how long you’ve been traveling, etc.
  34. 사탕  is not only something that can boost morale and distract your body from feeling hungry but it’s great for bartering with to get other items that you need.
  35. 식용유  will be something to keep on hand not only, so you can make delicious meals for your family but used cooking oil can be recycled into fuel for heating or even your modified vehicle.
  36. 이스트 doesn’t have a long shelf life but it’s vital for making breads and other pastries.
  37. 립밤 will be vital for comfort when you have to spend long hours exposed to the weather.
  38. 치아관련  will be a critical resource following a SHTF event because dental professionals won’t be easily accessible.
  39. 케이블타이 have a ton of different uses so grab extras of these on your last trip to the supermarket.
  40. 밴드 s and other first aid supplies will be critical to survival following a SHTF event. You’ll want to get OTC pain relievers and triple antibiotic ointment as well if you can.
  41. 공구  like hand saws, axes, screwdrivers and hammers will come in handy for survival tasks you need to get done. Having extras of these also puts you in the position to barter these for something else you need later.
  42. 여분의 배터리are a great thing to have extras of if you can get them and if you have a solar powered charging system already set up at home.
  43. 랜턴 that are solar powered or battery operated are a good thing to grab extra of on that last trip to the supermarket.
  44. 랜턴용 연료  is a necessity if you plan to use propane or oil fueled lanterns.
  45. 선크림 is something that can protect you from serious sunburn when you have to be exposed to the sun for long periods of time.
  46. 호각 of any kind could come in handy to signal for help or communicate with other group members.
  47. 담배  will become scarce when stores are closed down and shipping has stopped.  if you don’t smoke, grab some of these to use to barter with someone who has the nicotine addiction, so you can get something else you need later.
  48. 지퍼백 are something that are great to have in your stockpile. They can be used to carry water, to waterproof your devices and other valuables, or even just to organize supplies in a bug out bag.
  49. 화장지 is one of the things you won’t want to be without following a SHTF event. There are alternatives of course but having extra TP can also be a bartering item.
  50. 여성위생용품  have several uses other than their intended one.
  51. 알콜스왑 will be a vital thing to have on hand to help prevent infection.
  52. 라이터 Lighters will be useful since the ability to start a fire is a critical resource.
  53. Non-GMO 씨앗  are something you’ll want to have on hand following an extended SHTF event so you can grow your own food from year to year.
  54. 활성탄 is something to have on hand not just for an upset stomach but also to induce vomiting in case of poisoning.
  55. 낚시바늘과 줄,Fishing Line and Hooks are great to include in your stockpile so that you can have the equipment needed to catch your dinner from nearby water sources.
  56. 피부소염제  will come in handy if you come across poison ivy or poison sumac while in the woods but also for those annoying insect bites.
  57. 설탕 is something that can have a decent shelf life if you know a bit about preserving dry goods. Although it’s possible to survive without sugar of course, you’ll be happy to have it to sweeten your coffee after a long day of physical labor.
  58. 밀가루  is one of those things that takes a lot of time to grind yourself even if you have access to the grains. Save yourself some time and get as much of this on your last trip to the supermarket as you can get.
  59. 소금 is useful for cooking but especially for preserving food to give it a longer shelf life.
  60. 코튼볼 can be used for many different things but especially as fire starters when soaked with a little Vaseline or rubbing alcohol.
  61. 캔들 will come in handy following a SHTF event that takes out power grid, so you can never have too many of these.
  62. 베이킹파우더  is one of those cooking ingredients you need to make food from scratch so grab these if you see them on your last trip to the supermarket.
  63. 베이킹파우더 대용 is another of those ingredients that is used to make a ton of different foods from scratch.
  64. 배터리 Batteries will be a must have resource following a SHTF event. Get as many of these as you can in a variety of sizes.
  65. 표백제 Bleach is helpful for keeping things clean and sanitary but also for purifying water so grab a couple extra gallons of this on your last trip to the supermarket.
  66. 코코넛오일 Coconut Oil has a multitude of uses and it has a fairly long shelf life if kept cool.
  67. 빨랫줄, 빨래집게, 옷핀 
  68. 번지코드(탄성로프) are one of those things you don’t need until you need them so make sure you have at least a few of these in your stockpile.
  69. 요리책 are something to grab on your last trip to the supermarket, especially if you’ve gotten used to convenience foods. You need to know how to make the basic recipes from scratch and you can’t afford to waste food by guessing and getting it wrong.
  70. WD-40  is a multi-purpose lubricant to have in your stockpile.
  71. 크로우바 (빠루)can be used to pry open locked or warped doors, to lift objects, or even as a weapon to defend yourself if need be.
  72. N99 방독면 are something you can never have too many of. Humans can only live up to 3 minutes without fresh air so make sure you have plenty of these available following a SHTF event.
  73. 비닐시트 is great to have following a SHTF situation. Not only can you use it to insulate windows and trap heat into your home, but you could use it to create a temporary greenhouse, distill water, etc.
  74. 고기용온도계 are something that will be a vital resource, especially if the grid is down and you need to cook with an alternative power source. Eating meat that hasn’t gotten to the proper internal temperature when cooking can be deadly.
  75. 채,망  is useful to have for cooking, but it can also be used to help filter water, as a makeshift basket for foraging, or even to catch fish.
  76. 철수세미  can be used for scrubbing obviously but it also makes a great fire starter when used with a 9-volt battery.
  77. 바세린 is another one of those items that is handy to have. Use it as lip balm in a pinch, use it to help keep moisture in your skin and protect it when you are continually exposed to extreme weather, or dip cotton balls into it to make a fire starter.
  78. 비닐타프 of course have a multitude of uses including creating a temporary shelter and sectioning off smaller areas of your home that can be heated more easily.
  79. 동물용 항생 스프레이(Blue Coat) is an antibacterial/antifungal ointment or spray typically used for animal wounds. It can work great for minor cuts and wounds on people if other first aid supplies are not available.
  80. 수동발전/태양광 라디오 will be a vital resource if you don’t already have one in your stockpile