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낙동대로263 2017. 11. 2. 16:48

2moro   Tomorrow
2nte   Tonight

AEAP   As Early as Possible
ALAP   As Late as Possible
ASAP   As Soon as Possible
ASL    Age / Sex / Location?

B3    Blah, Blah, Blah
B4YKI    Before You Know it
BFF    Best Friends, Forever
BM&Y   Between Me and You
BRB    Be right Back
BRT    Be right There
BTAM  Be that as it May

C-P   Sleepy
CTN   Cannot talk now
CUS   See You Soon
CWOT   Complete Waste of Time
CYT   See You Tomorrow

E123    Easy as 1, 2, 3
EM?    Excuse Me?
EOD    End of Day

F2F    Face to Face
FC     Fingers Crossed
FOAF    Friend of a Friend

GR8   Great

HAK   Hugs and Kisses

IDC   I Don't Care
IDK   I Don't Know
ILU     ILY I Love You
IMU    I Miss You
IRL     In Real Life

J/K    Just Kidding
JC J   ust Checking
JTLYK    Just to Let You Know

KFY    Kiss for You
KMN    Kill Me Now
KPC    Keeping Parents Clueless

L8R    Later

MoF    Male or Female
MTFBWY    May the Force be with You
MYOB        Mind Your Own Business

N-A-Y-L      In a While
NAZ      Name, Address, ZIP
NC       No Comment
NIMBY    Not in my Backyard
NM       Never Mind / Nothing Much
NP       No Problem
NSFW     Not Safe for Work
NTIM     Not that it Matters
NVM     Never Mind

OATUS     on a totally Unrelated Subject
OIC     Oh, I See
OMW     On My Way
OTL     Out to Lunch
OTP     On the Phone

P911      Parent Alert
PAL       Parents are Listening
PAW      Parents are Watching
PIR        Parent in Room
POS      Parent over Shoulder
PROP(S)      Proper Respect / Proper Recognition

QT     Cutie

RN     Right Now
RU     Are You

SEP     Someone else's Problem
SITD     Still in the Dark
SLAP     Sounds like a Plan
SMIM     Send Me an Instant Message
SO      Significant Other

TMI     Too Much Information

UR     Your / You are

W8     Wait
WB     Welcome Back
WYCM     Will You Call Me?
WYWH     Wish You Were Here

XOXOXOX     Hugs, Kisses, ...