재난- 도구,기술

재난 대비 100가지 품목

낙동대로263 2016. 4. 26. 20:13


이런 종류의 준비물은 사이트에 따라, 사람에 따라 약간씩 주장하는 바가 다르다.

그래서, 전에도 이런 류의 게시물을 올려두었지만 다시 하나 더 올린다.

이건 또 약간 다른 개념인 것 같아서 ...

여기 적힌 물건들도 재난이나 비상사태가 발생하면 상범에서 순식간에 사라질 것 들이다.

시간 나면 하나씩 번역해서 정리할 것이다.....


1. Generators. (Good ones cost a lot. Noisy, target of thieves; maintenance, etc.)

2. Water Filters and Purifiers.

3. Portable Toilets.

4. Seasoned Firewood. Wood takes about 6 – 12 months to become dried.

5. Lamp Oil, Lamps, Wicks. (Buy CLEAR oil. If scarce, stockpile ANY!)

6. Coleman Fuel. Impossible to stockpile too much.

7. Weapons. Guns, Ammunition, Pepper Spray, Knives, Clubs, Bats & Slingshots.

8. Kitchen Tools. Hand-can openers, & hand egg beaters, whisks.

9. Honey /Syrups / white and brown sugar

10. Rice – Beans – Wheat.

11. Vegetable Oil (for cooking) Without it food burns/must be boiled etc.)

12. Charcoal, Lighter Fluid (Will become scarce suddenly)

13. Water Containers Any size. Small: HARD CLEAR PLASTIC onLY.

14. Mini Heater head (Propane) (Without this item, propane won’t heat a room.)

15. Grain Grinder (Non-electric)

16. Propane Cylinders (Urgent: Definite shortages will occur.)

17. Survival Guide Book

18. Mantles: Aladdin, Coleman, etc. (Without it, long-term lighting is difficult.)

19. Baby Supplies: Diapers/formula. ointments/aspirin, etc.

20. Washboards, Mop Bucket w/wringer (for Laundry)

21. Cookstoves (Propane, Coleman & Kerosene)

22. Vitamins

23. Propane Cylinder Handle-Holder

24. Feminine Hygiene/Haircare/Skin products

25. Thermal Underwear (Tops & Bottoms)

26. Bow saws, axes and hatchets, Wedges (also, honing oil)

27. Aluminum Foil Reg. & Heavy Duty (Great Cooking and Barter Item)

28. Gasoline Containers (Plastic & Metal)

29. Garbage Bags (Impossible To Have Too Many)

30. Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Paper Towels

31. Milk – Powdered & Condensed (Shake Liquid every 3 to 4 months)

32. Garden Seeds (Non-Hybrid) (A MUST)

33. Clothes pins/line/hangers (A MUST)

34. Coleman’s Pump Repair Kit

35. Tuna Fish (in oil)

36. Fire Extinguishers (or..large box of Baking Soda in every room)

37. First Aid Kits

38. Batteries (all sizes…buy furthest-out for Expiration Dates)

39. Garlic, spices & vinegar, baking supplies

40. Big Dogs (and plenty of dog food)

41. Flour, yeast & salt

42. Matches (“Strike Anywhere” preferred.) Boxed, wooden matches will go first

43. Writing paper/pads/pencils, solar calculators

44. Insulated ice chests (good for keeping items from freezing in Wintertime.)

45. Workboots, belts, Levis & durable shirts

46. Flashlights/LIGHTSTICKS & torches, “No. 76 Dietz” Lanterns

47. Journals, Diaries & Scrapbooks (jot down ideas, feelings, experiences)

48. Garbage cans – Plastic (great for storage, water, transporting – if with wheels)

49. Men’s Hygiene: Shampoo, Toothbrush/paste, Mouthwash/floss, etc.

50. Cast Iron Cookware (sturdy, efficient)

51. Fishing supplies/tools

52. Mosquito coils/repellent, sprays/creams

53. Duct Tape

54. Tarps/stakes/twine/nails/rope/spikes

55. Candles

56. Laundry Detergent (liquid)

57. Backpacks, Duffel Bags

58. Garden tools & supplies

59. Scissors, fabrics & sewing supplies

60. Canned Fruits, Veggies, Soups, stews, etc.

61. Bleach (plain, NOT scented: 4 to 6% sodium hypochlorite)

62. Canning Supplies (Jars/lids/wax)

63. Knives & Sharpening tools: files, stones, steel

64. Bicycles – Tires/tubes/pumps/chains, etc.

65. Sleeping Bags & blankets/pillows/mats

66. Carbon Monoxide Alarm (battery powered)

67. Board Games, Cards, Dice

68. d-con Rat poison, MOUSE PRUFE II, Roach Killer

69. Mousetraps, Ant traps & cockroach magnets

70. Paper plates/cups/utensils (stock up, folks)

71. Baby wipes, oils, waterless & Antibacterial soap (saves a lot of water)

72. Rain gear, rubberized boots, etc.

73. Shaving supplies (razors & creams, talc, after shave)

74. Hand Pumps & siphons (for water and for fuels)

75. Soy sauce, vinegar, bullions/gravy/soupbase

76. Reading glasses

77. Chocolate/Cocoa/Tang/Punch (water enhancers)

78. “Survival-in-a-Can”

79. Woolen clothing, scarves/ear-muffs/mittens

80. Boy Scout Handbook

81. Roll-on Window Insulation Kit

82. Graham crackers, saltines, pretzels, Trail mix/Jerky

83. Popcorn, Peanut Butter, Nuts

84. Socks, Underwear, T-shirts, etc. (extras)

85. Lumber (all types)

86. Wagons & carts (for transport to and from)

87. Cots & Inflatable Mattresses

88. Gloves: Work/warming/gardening, etc.

89. Lantern Hangers

90. Screen Patches, glue, nails, screws,, nuts & bolts

91. Teas

92. Coffee

93. Cigarettes

94. Wine/Liquors (for bribes, medicinal, etc,)

95. Paraffin Wax

96. Glue, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, etc.

97. Chewing gum/candies

98. Atomizers (for cooling/bathing)

99. Hats & cotton neckerchiefs

100. Goats/chickens


#1: Be happy and grateful.
Take a moment to be grateful for your current life of abundance. Be grateful for the 
toilet paper! Be grateful for a cup of coffee or chocolate or bacon. Be grateful as you 
take a shower. Explore every good thing in your relationships, your health, and 
your finances, and be grateful you have them now. Practice gratitude daily and 
more good things will grow and come your way. Rejoice in planning for abundance 
in an apocalyptic world because you are making preparations to have things for 

#2: Get free prepper stuff on Amazon with Visa and American 
Your VISA card may have a point system for purchases. Bank of America provides 
options to receive Amazon gift certificates. Shop for prepping supplies with points:

#3: Create a food and supplies journal.
Get a pad of paper and write down exactly what your family eats for an entire 
week, right down to the snacks. You'll be amazed at your family list and it can serve 
as a personal guide to food storage. This will help you build your food storage.

#4: See if you have the 37 critical foods in your Prepper's pantry.
Have you stocked the 37 essential pantry food items? Check your pantry against 
our list and get them before they're gone from supermarket store shelves.

#5: Shop for bug-out clothing.
Everyone looks better in camouflage; even so, don't wear camouflage clothing 
directly after a disaster or you could compromise your safety if you live in an urban 
setting. Looking too much like military is a signal that you have good things.

#6: Turn that brown thumb into a green one.  
Who says you need a garden? In five days you could sprout seeds in a seed sprout 
tray, and add a crunchy home grown goodness to your sandwiches, pastas or 
salads. Antioxidants found in seed sprouts help protect your body against free 
radicals. Try sprouting lentils, green peas, garbanzo, and mung beans, too.

#7: Learn to make fire in more than one way.
A BIC lighter is an excellent tool, but the day may come when it cracks or runs out 
fuel rendering it useless until you fix it. A magnifying glass is a good option for 
starting a fire if you don't a have a lighter. A good magnifying glass is around $4 
and available with free shipping. Other 
good firestarters include a magnesium stick, 
fire ribbon or waterproof matches.

#8: Do today's laundry (just get caught up).
Get all your laundry caught up. Yes, it's an everyday task, but today is the day to air 
your dirty laundry! Suppose the power grid goes down, and you're laundry is 
stacked to the hilt. You'd be wasting precious water and time laundering by hand 
tomorrow. Discover off the grid laundry techniques and never wait until tomorrow 
what you can do today.

#9: Do tomorrow's laundry (off-grid method).
Get an inexpensive washboard and do your laundry the old fashioned way. The 
Maid-Rite washboard,  pictured right, will do the trick. Or try the green Laundry POD, 
which has an easy to use spinning, washing and draining system, clean clothes by 
hand in less than 10 minutes. While you're at it, get some clothes pins, hangers and 
a wash line!

#10 Do your dishes (enjoy the dishwasher).
Be happy and grateful in the goodness you enjoy everyday, like the convenience of 
a dishwasher. Know that the dishes you pile into the dishwasher today could be 
your last. While you're at it, you may as well check your supply of paper plates, 
napkins, and disposable utensils. You won't want waste precious water doing the 
dishes by hand if the power grid goes down! Also, get yourself some basins so you 
can do the dishes by hand.

#11: Make doctor's or dentist appointments.
Get a checkup while you can (before you have to be your own doctor or dentist).  
Never delay surgeries. Get that new prescription. Talk with your doctor and stock 
your cabinets with extra supplies. Smile knowing you have made 
when there is no dentist.

#12: Hold a yard sale or garage sale.
Shedding your home of non-essentials will not only create more space for you to 
stock your prepping essentials, but it will provide funds to buy more prepping gear, 
hunting equipment, camping equipment, or food storage. Or sell your collection on 
eBay. Would you rather have a collection of freeze dried food for your pantry or a 
collection of Beanie Babies? Enough said! eBay is the perfect venue to convert 
collections into supplies and food to meet your Prepper's list of essentials.

#13: Go to a garage sale.
Now that you've held your own garage sale to get rid of things you don't need, 
head to a garage sale to find the things you do need with your profits. You'll find 
plenty of emergency preparedness supplies, including used camping equipment, 
survival books, inexpensive bicycles and shelving, or hand-crank tools and more at 
a garage sale.

#14: Get a Grain Mill (hard wheat grinder)!
Grind your own wheat and save money baking your own breads. A Wondermill 
Grinder, pictured immediate works with wet/oily grains; legumes, coffee, garbanzos, 
seeds, nuts, also!

#15: Check your bicycle (and have repair tools on hand)!
Your bike might be the only mode of transportation in an extreme power grid failure. 
If you don't have a bicycle head to Amazon (we recommend getting an adult tricycle 
to load your essentials). Of course you can always procure a used bicycle at a 
garage sale. Extras would be great for bartering or backup! Ensure you have a bike 
lock for every bike and at one bicycle repair kit on hand. The bike tool kit left is just 
about everything you need. Add patches, extra tubes, chains, oil and a bike pump 
and you're just about good to go. You'll need some expertise in repairing bikes.

#16: Count how many cans you have that contain liquids.
Your food shelf space should contain 10 percent liquid foods. Any liquid foods you 
have will help you conserve your water supply. For example, you can make rice with 
chicken, beef or vegetable stock or and as mentioned above, coconut milk. 
Pineapple juice has an especially 
long shelf life (4-5 years). Other liquid cans 
include; vegetable juice (such as V-8 Juice) or tomato juice; and evaporated milk.

#17: Fill a pitcher of water for the refrigerator.
Everyday, stock your refrigerator with ordinary tap water (even if you only drink 
filtered water). Filter it if you like, but fill a pitcher or jug. This will be your first 
source of water in the event of a disaster. Make the habit of putting water in your 
coffee maker in the evening, so it's ready in the morning and you'll have that much 
extra water in your supply.

#18: Stay thirsty my friend.
Enjoy a glass of water, right now. Most of us just don't drink enough water. If a 
survival scenario commences, most people will be operating at a deficit. You can tip 
the odds in your favor by quenching your thirst. Walk away from the computer and 
do it now, then go on to read the rest of this survival checklist.

The Big Berkey Water filter, right is a prepper favorite for clean drinking water.

#19: Rotate your canned goods.
Prepare a meal from eligible stock or donate items that haven't yet met their 
expiration date to a food bank. Look for dented, rusted, or cans that have bulged 
and throw them out. While you're at it, check out the Food Rotation System: can 
food storage rack at the top of the page. It will fit in just about any pantry.

#20: Assemble something.
Take something out of the box and test it. Assemble the camp cooking stove or try 
out the new solar oven. You may find it's missing or broken part or it doesn't work 
as well as you thought. It's better to find out sooner than later.

#21: Clean a closet or drawer.
There's a closet you've been meaning to re-arrange, isn't there? You don't need to 
take on the chore all at once. Take it one drawer, box, shelf or compartment at a 

#22: Buy an extra bucket opener.
You already stock extra can openers, right? If you've got buckets of stored foods, 
purchase some extra bucket openers and 
Gamma Lids. Gamma lids will make 
opening your buckets easier without a bucket opener.  They seal up nicely. With an 
ordinary bucket lid, you might not be able to open them up without an bucket 

#23: Check for leaks in your water supplies.
Perhaps you've stacked water too high or a notice that a bottle has sprung a leak. 
Monitoring could save the day! If you neglect water supplies, the leakage could 
damage floors and possibly ruin your food sources and other supplies, like toilet 
paper and paper towels.

#24: Learn a new skill.
Preppers always have new skills to master. Take up a new hobby today whether 
it's coin collecting, gardening, fishing or charcuterie! What the heck is Charcuterie? 
Find out how this skill could help you as a Prepper.

#25: Start chopping some firewood!
You know you'll need seasoned firewood, right? Your wood must be a half year old 
to burn it. Get chopping, my friend! This will be the most difficult part of an off-grid 
life: keeping firewood stocked.

#26: Get a firestarter and Build a fire.
Hawke's Special Forces Survival Handbook has an excellent 30 page guide in 
chapter four on how to build a fire. In it, Hawje discusses the importance of lighters, 
goes over the fire hierarchy and shows you how to produce a spark and build a 
fire.  You'll need to have stockpile many different kinds of firestarters, so you'll 
always have backups.

#27: Fill your car with gas.
A tank is never more than half empty in a prepper household. Keeping vehicles 
prepared also means having regular maintenance, and checking the oil and water 
levels. You'll be your own mechanic in the event of a major catastrophe. (
Learn how 
to save money on gas.)

#28: Stock up on car maintenance items.
You'll always need oil changes, coolants, spark plugs, and air filters. While you're at 
it, check your spare tires. Stock a fan belt and a timing belt. A tow strap is 
immensely useful and often overlooked. Grab one today. Also, every car should 
have Datrex emergency food ration bars on hand. They are non-thirst provoking 
and will give you the calories you need until you are out of harm's way. Most people 
think of them for boating, but Datrex provides smooth sailing for your vehicles too.

#29: Take a hike!
Preppers and their families are in their best possible physical condition because 
they walk, run and exercise everyday. Hiking is a skill that may be required in the 
event the unthinkable happens. Do something active with your family to keep in 
peak shape! Or hold a drill and 
bugout by bicycle!

#30: Say Howdy to "Double Doodie".
Poor hygiene in the aftermath of a catastrophe could be one of the biggest killers 
for mankind. Because of the risk of infections of poor sanitation, it's important to get 
your portable toilet set up and go "Double Doodie."
 Plan your sanitation today, 
before the stuff hits the fan tomorrow.

#31: Get to know your neighbors.
Perhaps there's a medical doctor, nurse or an EMT down the street. Ask him or her 
to review your first aid kit. Dentists and hygienists could provide some dental 
assistance. Just remember the first rule of Prep Club: don't talk about Prep Club. Be 
a good neighbor. If you are public about your prepping plans, which we don't 
advise, then you must integrate neighbors in your planning efforts. Help them 
develop their own means of survival! An acceptable way to approach neighbors is 
to set up or participate in a neighborhood watch. This is equivalent to pioneers 
banding together and "circling their wagons" to defend themselves on the prairies.

#32: Read a Prepper's books and articles.
Pick up a book on prepping. Visit regularly for new articles. Surf Bing, Google or 
Yahoo for Prepper blogs. Head to YouTube for Prepper videos. There are always 
new ideas to consider to enhance your Prepper lifestyle!

#33: Try out a new Prepper recipe.
Make dinner tonight with ingredients from your Prepper's pantry and stored Water 
you've never tried that sun oven? Now is the time to try a recipe and to calculate 
how long it will take to get that meal prepared from foods in your pantry. You may 
discover that you need some new recipes or to expand the ingredients of your 
everyday pantry. Here's our 
preppers list of foods to stock.

#34: Spend ten bucks.
You can prep on any budget and the dollar stores are a great place to start. Read 
ways to spend a buck at the dollar stores. Or shop online: we'll help you with 
prepping on the cheap for $10 or less.

#35: Head to the drug store to get some canned meat.
ou'll find canned meat inexpensive at the local pharmacy. DAK canned hams are 
sometimes two for $5. That's one pound of excellent Danish ham for $2.50!

#36: Live off your freeze dried foods for a week.
Buy the individual sizes so you can sample a variety. Calculate how much water 
you'll need and how much food you need to eat as a family to feel satiated. Often 
the recommended serving size on the package will not match your actual needs. 
You'll also quickly discover the need for variety and you'll also recognize that your 
stomach will feel differently. Take heed and get some fiber pills! You'll also need 
more water.

#37: Consider adding a jar of Vaseline to your supplies list.
Petroleum jelly is an excellent fire-starter when paired with cotton balls soaked in 
the stuff. Paired with gauze it's also an effective ointment for scrapes, burns, and 
cuts for your first aid kit. Additionally, it can soothe chapped lips, and prevent 
chafing between legs minimizing friction between skin and clothing for walking or 
running long distances.

#38: Learn sign language.
You may find yourself in a situation where communicating with family members 
covertly will be the best course of action. Practice a few essential signs (made up or 
real ones) to help you communicate should marauders threaten your family and 
supplies. Learn words in American Sign Language.

#39: Clear the condiment shelf of your refrigerator!
Use the added shelf space for bottled drinks. You can never have enough water 
stored and this is a way to squeeze in some extra space. While canned foods can 
last well beyond the use by date, condiments in open bottles can be dangerous to 
your health. There's no need to store a salad dressing from 2009 or a hot sauce 
that's too zippy for your families tastes. Get rid of it.

#40. Take a self defense Class. Get some defense tools.
Even a simple self-defense key chain, pictured immediate right, could save your life.

#41: Test your Prepper knowledge.
See if you know the glossary of Prepper terms in our Prepper's Dictionary. It 
means you're about halfway to becoming a Happy Prepper. "
Ghee" there are a lot 
of words defined there.

#42: Talk with Great Grandma or Grandpa.
Perhaps someone you know survived the Great Depression. Lend an ear to an 
elderly person to find out how they stocked their pantry in the old days or how they 
survived hard times. The Great Depression wasn't so great, but people made do 
with what they had or did without.

#43: Shop a farmer's market and can something.
Supporting locals may not at first seem like a Prepper thing to do, but when you 
shop a farmer's market, you are supporting local families and you may find the 
perfect ingredients for your 
home canning or dehydrating projects. Most farmer's 
markets are organic: that's a total bonus!

44: Check the sodium content of your canned goods.
FEMA warns salty foods increases the amount of water you want to drink. This extra 
thirst threatens your water supply by depleting it faster than if you had low sodium 
goods. Donate the foods with high sodium to food banks, and find alternative 
canned products.

45: Add more iodized salt to your shopping list.
Iodine is an essential trace element; and salting is an important task in preserving. 
Check the label as you'd be surprised that many sea salts do not contain iodine.

46: Boil some rice.
Seriously, you don't know how to boil rice? You may rely on the directions for box of 
rice, microwave frozen rice dishes, or plug in a rice cooker, but none of these 
options will work if there's a power blackout. It's better to work on this skill now 
before you need it. Now come up with some recipes around this inexpensive staple.

47: Make some food with grains, beans and legumes.
Sure, you've stocked-piled long term survival foods, but do you know how to cook 
something with them? Make some lentils with rice, mill some flour and bake some 
bread, sprout something. Practice making something edible from samples of your 
food storage. Legumes (including beans, lentils, peas, and peanuts), are rich in 
protein and also a good source of fiber. Plus they're low in fat. But if you don't know 
how to cook something, then they are worthless in your pantry. Rice and beans will 
probably be your staple, so you'll need to know how to make something tasty. 
Brown some rice in butter, then add some diced tomatoes and brown sugar and 
you'll have a wonderful Mexican style rice, that will be very tasty with beans.

48: Stock up on board and card games and books.
How will you pass the time with your family when they watch T.V.? Buy books and 
games early for the holidays and keep them in reserve for the day the lights go out. 
Here is a list of our favorite family 
board games for prepper families.

49: Save seeds and sprout them.
Stockpile NON-GMO survival seeds before they are no longer available, and 
Monsanto controls you. Have fun sprouting seeds. They are healthy and fun to grow

#50: Learn how to read a map.
Figure out how to navigate without a compass. A compass might not work and GPS 
might not be available. Your bug-out plan may require that you check alternate 

#51: Learn how to navigate with a compass.
The Silva lesson on how to use a compass is a great use of just six minutes of 
your time. Bookmark this page and watch the video if you don't know how to use 
the bezel ring on your compass. If you don't already have a compass, know that the 
Silva compass, left is highly rated. Keep your compass in the car or on your person 
so that you always have one with you.

#52: Get product in a can that repairs punctures and inflates your 
Some newer cars have the capability to driver 80 miles with a puncture! if you don't 
have such tires, get help in a can to inflate your tires. Two popular products include 
"Fix a Flat" or Slime "Quick Spair" either is great to have in your car to help you get 
to your destination. See our 
Car Essentials page.  

#53: Be thankful if you love meat, consider eating bugs, and say 
goodbye to vegetarianism.
Americans could certainly learn to live on less meat. Mykel Hawke, Captain, U.S. 
Army Special Forces, and star of "Man, Woman, Wild" on the Discovery Channel, 
says that "About 90% of bugs and animals can be eaten by humans, but 90% of 
plants can not." That's enough information to know that you simply can't beat meat 
when it comes to your prepping plans. one can only stay a vegetarian thanks to a 
stable agrarian society. once we've been knocked off the power grid, survival kicks 
in an sustains itself through meat. Americans could certainly learn to live on less 

#54: Zip supplies in buckets and bags!
Supersize your prepping with food-grade buckets. Mylar bags will keep your food 
safe for the long term. Plastic Bags will help protect macaroni and flavored rice 
products from moisture and vermin; plus you can identify expiration dates quickly. 
These extra plastic bags would become useful in an emergency survival situation 
too: use them like gloves, set them out to collect rainwater and so much more.

55: Get into the medical stuff.  
Think about Dental First Aid and be sure to add a dental medic kit to your first aid 
lineup, pictured right. Consider holistic options too; for example ginger is a spice 
that can aid in stomach upset.

56: Switch toilet paper brands.
If you're not buying Scott's 1000 toilet paper, then you're changing the roll too 
often! Test this product and you'll see. You may prefer the fluffier stuff, but because 
Scott's is concentrated and is not fluffed up, it will store away more compactly for 
your emergency toiletry supplies.

57: Cut your old garments.
On the homestead nothing goes to waste. Cut up your old garments and make a 
quilt. If you're not going to donate or sell them, then start snipping your old clothes 
into quilt sized sheets to use when the toilet paper runs out! This material will 
surely store better than toilet paper.

58: Check your tarps and supplies.
Do you have enough plywood to patch up a broken window or to batten down the 
hatches in the event of a world in chaos? A tarp can help you in a pinch. Tarps have 
many other uses! A tarp can help you temporarily patch a roof. The thing is ordinary 
blue tarps may attract too much attention. Prepper's often want to stay under the 
radar. The camouflage tarp, right can help you hide many things. Be sure to have 
enough duct tape, bungee cord and stakes on hand. Yes, they make camouflage 
duct tape. Get some camouflage nets, too!

59: Buy some non-food supplies at the grocery store.
Toilet paper: check. Paper towels: check. Trash bags: check. Can-opener: double 
check! Get extra can openers and spread them throughout your supplies. Consider 
disposable vinyl gloves for sanitation, and dish washing gloves to help protect your 
hands. Then there's disinfectant wipes, and freezer bags.

60: Get your hands on some shop towels.
Generally used by auto shops, you'll find shop towels will be a rugged addition to 
your Preppers storage. Heavy duty shop towels will pack more compactly than 
ordinary paper towels.

61: Head to the pawn shop.
Pawn some useless stuff and get into junk silver coins or hard cold cash. Investing 
in precious metals could pay off the day the dollar deval‎ues to next to nothing, just 
the way it did during the Great Depression, (owning pre-1964 coins can be 
considered a collectible, and likely won't be confiscated) but if you don't have a 
year's supply of food or more, don't even bother with trying to get some silver.

62: Hide and save your silver, start collecting nickel and copper.
Now that you've got some junk silver, find a good spot for safekeeping. Next on the 
list is to go through your coins and start sorting the old copper pennies and nickels 
from the new ones. Nickel certainly has more value as nickel than the 5 cents it's 
worth. Likewise, so does the copper penny. These raw materials may prove to be a 
barter item in the new world.

63: Bake biscuits from scratch.
Bob's Red Mill has wheat and wheat-free varieties of biscuit and baking mixes. Add 
some cheese, butter, water and salt and you can have some tasty cheddar biscuits. 
Yes, they make canned butter. Advanced Preppers can try baking biscuits with a 
stick on an open fire by wrapping it around the stick.

64: Roll some tortillas.
With masa harina, some warm water and salt you can make delicious home made 
tortillas. This will certainly be a welcome addition to all those rice and beans you've 
Learn more about Masa Harina here.

65: Explore some new canned meats.
Put down that can of SPAM and start salivating when you see canned bacon. See 
what other varieties of 
meat you should stock in your Prepper's pantry.

66: Start a Prepper's Binder (Survival Manual).
Gather all your favorite articles, recipes, instructions and checklists in one place. 
This personal resource will be invaluable to your family in the event you are not able 
to continue preparing and protecting your family.

67: Review your homeowners insurance coverage.
FEMA says everyone lives in a flood zone. Ask your insurance agent to advise you 
on proper coverage for floods and earthquakes too. Oh forget FEMA, instead get 
your own 
food insurance!

68: Stock up on pet supplies.

69: Get some thermal under wear under there!
Available year round on Amazon, see what they have right now for family, including 
thermal shirts and pants. Now those are some Prepper's panties! Think about your 
bugout clothes.

70: Crank it up with a crank radio.
Information could be the difference between life and death. If you have a crank 
radio, then you're able to stay on top of important news if it should surface. Best of 
all, all the power you need is available in your hand.

71: Join like minded friends on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and 
Visit HappyPreppers on social media and hook up with others who are preparing 
for the best case scenario. Remember the first rule of Prep Club is "Don't  talk about 
Prep Club!" Many preppers are on Facebook and Twitter, two other good place to 
try are Pinterest and Google+. If you like this article, please Google+ us at the top 
right of the page. That's also where you'll find the links to our Google+ page.

72: Get a fire extinguisher and learn how to use it.
Let everyone in the family know where you've stashed the fire extinguisher and 
give them a quick lesson how to use it. You just may have to play firefighter 

73: Think with your head!
Lice will probably be more preval‎ent if the world goes off the grid. If you don't want 
to take on the harsh chemicals of the traditional lice treatments, then at minimum 
get a special lice comb.

74: Plan ahead for your growing kids.
Buy stuff in advance of kids growth spurts. For little kids, buy the next size up of 
diapers, and plan ahead for toddler foods. Get more powdered milk to replace the 
formulas. Set aside some sturdy shoes for each of your kids in a size larger than 
they currently own. Garage sales are a great place for such finds. You'll also want to 
stock up on larger sized socks (find them inexpensively at the dollar stores) and 
underwear, too. If you have prepubescent girls, consider stashing an extra supply 
of menstrual pads. Hume schooling might be necessary, so get some material, such 
as an illustrated dictionary and some work books a few grades ahead. Ensure they 
have the right size gas mask.

75: Watch a Prepper video.
See our list of Prepper television shows and movies. "Take Shelter" DVD, right is 
on it. Noah had his arc, Curtis had his bomb shelter. This Cannes Film Festival movie 
is food for thought and will help you at least feel camaraderie with your fellow 
Preppers. When all the world thinks you're crazy, this movie certainly will at least 
make you feel normal in the insane world where most people don't prepare!

76: Consider the art of self defense: using psychology.
There is an art to using the right tactics to defend yourself. Anyone can avoid, hide 
and disguise, diffuse, surprise and retreat. Read our
 guide to self defense on these 
very principles.

77. Grow your own and Buy NON-GMO foods.
Stock your pantry with non-GMO foods:

78. Discover Scoutcraft as an adult.
You're never too old to pick up scouting skills. Pickup a Boy Scout Manual and learn 
how to "be prepared" the original Boy Scout way. The original aim of Boy Scouts 
was to promote the ability in boys to do things for themselves and others. They 
were the original Preppers! "Scoutcraft" includes first aid, life saving, tracking, 
signaling, campcraft, woodcraft, chivalry and patriotism among other subjects. Learn 
to make a sundial and more.

79: Know what you'll do to survive.
Watch this short urban survival video featuring survival expert Cody Lundin. You 
may not take his advice, but at least you'll know what he's doing. Get to know 
Cody, the shoeless survivalist from Seattle. You may just want to purchase "When 
all Hell Breaks Loose: stuff you need to survive when disaster strikes," pictured 
right. In it you'll learn the various uses of ordinary freezer bags and the realities of 
food plan.

80: Duct tape something.
There's nothing you can't fix with duct tape, WD-40, paracord or a bottle of whisky 
or vodka!

81: Dump your Teflon (and get into cast iron).
When you know the facts, you'll want to get rid of any Teflon product you own. 
Teflon emits toxic particles that has been known to kill birds.
 Invest in a cast iron 
skillet, which provides a healthy does of iron and is available to cook on any kind of 
heat source. You can throw an iron skillet right on the fire! A prepper favorite is 
Lodge Cast Iron, pictured left.

82: Know how to make your own electrolytes.
A pinch of salt, a fistful of sugar and a half liter of water could prevent you from a 
diarrhea death in the event you don't have any Vitamin Water or Gatorade on hand. 
Learn more about drinks for survival.

83L Learn how to tie knots.
Teach your kids how to tie knots, too. With all the Velcro around, it's an art that has 
gone by the wayside and yet tying knots is av very useful skill.

84. Get some help for nausea, diarrhea and upset stomach.
Your diet will certainly change in a survival situation. Stash your medicine cabinet 
with your favorite remedies.

85: Go to target practice.
Build your marksmanship. You're only as skilled as your last shooting session.  Your 
husband may get on board now that you want him to have a gun in the house. 
Don't like guns? Learn archery or pick up a sling shot and practice.

86. Eat some chocolate and stash some.
Chocolate is a superfood for teeth and better than fluoride at fighting tooth decay. 
It is also a luxury to savor. Stash some in your preps.

87: Make an extra credit card or mortgage payment.
To reduce debt, start with the card balance that's smallest and make an extra 
payment to get that debt paid off. Then work towards your next goal. Ideally 
preppers should have no debt. It is possible!

88: Read the Richest Man in Babylon.
Not your ordinary prepper book, this is a book of parables on money written in the 
1920s by George Clason that's easy to read and imparts secrets of the ages with 
regards to finances. In just 145 pages, you will learn how to "fatten thy purse, 
control thy expenditures and make thy gold multiply." This is invaluable information 
for Preppers, though it's not the typical of 
books recommended for Preppers 
because with more finances, you can buy more preps.

89: Order some canned butter, canned bacon and hamburger.
Yes, they make pure creamery butter, the real stuff and packaged it in a can. Really! 
And while you're at it, consider 
Yoder's canned bacon. Prepper's don't have to 
suffer. Yoder's also makes grass fed hamburger meat in a can.

90. Buy distilled water (the purist form of water).
Reconsider your water supply. Get the facts about your local tap water and start 
drinking distilled water and storing it instead of tap water. Take some time to 
why fluoride is deadly in your water. There may be more lead and minerals in 
hard water, so get the facts about water softeners too.

91: Get your water supplies off the cement.
Storing water bottles directly on cement of your garage may be dangerous. If the 
cement heats, which it often does in an unventilated garage space,  the cement 
may leach chemical. Store your water on a pallet or platform to prevent lye leaching. 
Even a plank of plywood is fine.

92: Check your freeze dried foods in relation to stored water.
On average you'll need to store 1 cup of water for each individual serving of freeze 
dried food. Grab pen and paper and jot down the servings per #10 can and add it 
up. You may be surprised where you stand. Of all the preps, water is the most 

93: Start saving your pennies: quite literally!
The copper value of a penny is two or three times it's value as copper than as a 
penny. Think of it this way, copper is a metal you might be able to barter.

94. Enjoy National Geographic Doomsday Preppers.
Sometimes controversial with the prepper Community, because of the 
sensationalized nature of the program, the Doomsday Prepper show is 
entertaining. Look on YouTube or search on Demand with your cable company to 
find it. Enjoy it as comedy and compare strategies just for fun.

95. Take refrigeration seriously.

96. Build a Faraday cage.
Okay, now we're getting in to the fancy stuff. A Faraday cage is shielding device 
intended to protect electronic equipment from an intense interruption of solar 
Here's how to build a Faraday cage.

97. Turn off the grid!
Have a drill with your family and bug in for the weekend without electricity. Light 
some candles and see what you learn from a bug-in weekend. This is a graduation 
to advanced Prepper status and you won't soon forget the experience.

98. Set up an inventory spreadsheet.
Once you've amassed enough supplies, create an inventory. Soon you'll feel better 
knowing that you've prepped well or you'll know exactly what you still need, so you 
can create a wish list. At the top left hand of the page is a free Android app to help 
you make your TO DO list.

99. Keep quiet.
The first rule of Prep Club is "Don't talk about Prep Club." Avoid the unwanted 
commentary you'll receive from friends and family by simply keeping prepping 
secretive. Rest assured, you're not a crazy Prepper! People of the past were always 
Preppers. They stockpiled food and supplies for lean times and for Winter. The way 
of our past has simply been forgotten by the convenience of our current economy.

100. Do something with a five gallon bucket!
If you don't have a five-gallon food-grade bucket, head to your local bakery and ask 
for one, then get started prepping with a bucket!