재난- 생존방법

재난이 닥치면 귀해지는 생필품 25가지

낙동대로263 2021. 9. 13. 07:38


이런 품목들은 아주 소개도 많고 다양하고 .... 사람 마다 좀 다르기도 하다.

6개월 정도의 재난이라면 또 모르겠지만 ...

이 짓도 1년이 넘어가면 꽝이다..




재난이 발생을 대비해서 어떤 것들을 비축해두어야 할까를 생각해보면, 대부분 식량이나 물 등의 주요 품목에만 집중한 나머지, 일상적인 사소한 품목을 간과하고는 한다.​

그러나 화장지, 치약,칫솔,비닐봉투 등과 같이 매일 사용하는 품목이 없다고 상상해보라. 얼마나 불편할 것인가 ? 지금은 아주 값싸게 구할 수 있지만, 재난발생시에는 아주 귀중한 품목이 될 것이다.

전기를 사용할 수 없는 상황이 되면, 스마트폰은 한개의 칫솔보다도 소용이 없을 수가 있다. 지금 비싸고 귀한 것이 쓸모 없어지고, 허투루 사용하던 생필품이 오히려 귀한 대접을 받게 될 것이다.

1. 화장지.

You don’t even have to buy the good stuff. Anything will do after a major collapse; even the cheap stuff will be valuable.


Even the stuff at the dollar store will do for minor jobs around the house. Duct tape is a miracle worker in a survival situation.

3. 베이킹소다

is a multipurpose tool you will want to have plenty of. It can be used to deodorize (think about the lack of sanitation), clean, brush your teeth, and of course, bake with.

4. 여성 위생용품

will be in huge demand. Stock up on them now when they don’t cost a fortune.

5. 칫솔

can be purchased at any dollar store. Dental hygiene is going to be a big deal when you can’t run to the dentist to fix a cavity.

6. 클리넥스

will help keep your nose from getting raw while you battle colds that are bound to happen after a disaster. Kleenex can also help keep things a bit more sanitary. You don’t want to be wiping boogers and snot on your sleeves, especially if there’s no running water.

7. 양말

are going to be critical for keeping your feet warm and dry, and they can prevent blisters. Buy extra packs of socks so your family’s feet will always be dry and comfortable.

8. 신발끈

are easily overlooked today, but when you are trying to walk a mile without your shoe tied because the lace broke, you are going to be in bad shape. Buy loads of cheap shoestrings in various sizes. You can always fix a shoe, but the laces are pretty much done when they break.

9. 플라스틱용기,종이접시

will help keep your area tidy, and they’ll save on water because you won’t need to wash dishes. You can burn the plates for heat after they are used.

10. 펜과 종이,크레용.

We take these things for granted today and don’t think twice about finding a pencil around the house. But after a collapse, you will be responsible for educating any children you might have, and writing is going to be a big deal. You may also want to keep a journal. Historic times!

11. 캔디

the hard candies mostly, will be a welcome treat. They can be used as incentives for grumpy kids and help keep your mouth wet on a hot day. Stock up on hard candy after Halloween.

12. 챕스틱(입술튼데 바르는)

is going to be a big deal when you’re spending a lot of time outdoors. Some people will be willing to barter food and other valuables for your $1 tube of chap stick after a collapse.

13. 도시락가방

You will use these quite a bit to keep organized, pack lunches, keep matches dry, store leftover food, and so forth. In most cases, you can even wash and reuse them.

14. 비누

in any form is going to be extremely valuable after a collapse. Buy the cheap stuff, bars or liquid, it doesn’t matter. People need to be able to clean themselves, their clothes, and their surroundings.

15. 손세정제

is also going to be very needed and valuable. You can buy a bottle for a buck. Have plenty to use around the house and barter with.

16. 쓰레기봉투

should be purchased by the case if you can swing it. They’re only a couple bucks a box. After a disaster, you’ll be going through them like crazy. Not only will they help keep smells down, you can use them to make toilets as well.

17. 로션

will be a luxury as well as a necessity. Manual labor will lead to dry, chapped hands. Moisturizing them can prevent the dry, cracked skin that can be painful and eventually lead to sores that could put you at risk of infection.

18. 비타민

are going to be critical for maintaining your health when your diet is lacking raw fruits and veggies. You can load up on these in bulk or buy them at the dollar store. Have a variety of the important ones like vitamins A, C, D and E on hand.

19. 면도날

for the ladies and the guys. You can buy cheap, universal, disposable razors. Just because the world has gone to hell doesn’t mean you should give up every last nicety in life, like being clean-shaven. Razors will also come in handy if you need to shave around a wound.

20. 케이블타이

are about as important as duct tape. They can be used to hold a shelter together, hang items from trees, fix fences, and so on. Buy them in bulk; they only cost a few cents each.

21. 소독약

will be very helpful in keeping your home relatively germ free. When you are battling the many germs and viruses that are running rampant, Lysol can help you fight back. It will also be very handy around the latrine or wherever you have set up your toilet. Bleach expires within 6 months, but Lysol will be fully effective for at least 2 years.

22. 성냥과 라이터

are going to be sought after by everyone. Buy lots and lots of them because believe me, unless you’re an experienced outdoorsman, you don’t want to be stuck trying to build a fire by rubbing two sticks together.

23. 타이레놀

and other painkillers will also be a big deal. They do weaken and lose potency over time, so make sure you are constantly updating your stockpile.

24. 화약

may not seem cheap in the grand scheme of things, but it is cheaper than it will be down the road. Buy as much as you can now. You can never have too much ammunition.

25. 차양막

will be very helpful on those days you will be spending outside. It does expire and weaken after a couple of years so always add new stock to your stash. Buy it on clearance at the end of the year to save even more money.